Edenderry Ministries exists to reach people in Portadown for Christ.
We are a registered charity organisation, based in Carleton Street, Portadown.
As part of our work in the local community in the town we have a number of different outreaches. You are welcome to come along to any or all of our outreaches.
Monday: English Classes: 7pm-9pm – Edenderry Presbyterian Church Hall
English Classes run for foreign nationals who are seeking to improve their skills in the English language, both reading and writing. We have classes for all abilities, and enjoy a time of tea or coffee each week. We also offer a short bible study at the end of the night for those interested.
Monday: Basketball: 7pm-9 pm – Edenderry Presbyterian Church Hall
Basketball is for all foreign nationals. We have some coaching and play matches every Monday. Refreshments also provided. We also offer a short bible study at the start of the night for those interested.
Thursday & Friday & Saturday: New Hope Thrift Shop: 10am-4pm - New Hope Shop, Carleton Street
New Hope Thrift Shop has a friendly atmosphere, with plenty of bargains in store. We have a prayer room, and facilitate house clearances.
Friday: Drop-in Prayer Space: 1pm-4pm - New Hope Centre, Carleton Street
Drop-in Prayer Space is a time for anyone who wants to pray or would like to be prayed with/for in a relaxed, comfortable and confidential setting.
Friday: Kids Club: 7pm-8.30pm - Ashgrove Community Centre
Kids Club reaches children in the Garvaghy/Obins Street area, we play fun games, sing lively Christian songs, and learn about Jesus.
Friday: NightLight: 12 midnight-3.30am - Edenderry Presbyterian Church
Night Light goes out in Christian love to those who are around the town late on a Friday night, serving tea and coffee.
Please come along, you will be made very welcome.
If you would be interested in helping serve in any of the above outreaches
and you are a Christian please do get in touch with us.
For more information please contact our
Community Outreach Worker, Hazel Irwin, on 07513368616.